DreamBirch Press
DreamBirch Press

Sunday Lunch - A Time To Make Memories

A house is not a home without the laughter of children echoing through a dozen different rooms, family pictures adorning......

Make your life extraordinary!

Are you slowly inching towards a better life, or does your life need to be completely refurbished? Either is a positive plan for success. If it's neither you are lost, because...

Loss, and life after

As sure as night follows day, everyone will die one day for it is the 'cycle of life'.


What will follow after you lose someone so dear to you, will be tears and heartbreak. Your emotions that .......

True love; the friend of your soul

True love comes but once in one's lifetime. Embrace it, cherish it, be grateful for it, for as much money as there is in the world, it cannot be bought. Love is forward looking............ 

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